Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe we're in a new decade now. The Aughts are over, moving us one step closer to the Mayan apocalypse/disaster/absolutely nothing that will happen in 2012. 2009 was a pretty big year for me, so I'm going to borrow a friend's blog idea and list the Top 10 memories of 2009.

10. Frolicking in the snow in St. Louis
9. Seeing Jenny Lewis in concert with my two favorite California girls
8. Playing in the bell choir for Archbishop Carlson's installation, and making my friend meet him while wearing sweatpants.
7. The final VSC renewal weekend in Dittmer, full of relaxation in the sun and some epic pool jumping.
6. Helping the Nurses for Newborns Foundation win a major, multi-year grant for new programming.
5. Hanging out in San Antonio for week spending your tax dollars while I waited to testify in court.
4. Finally visiting New York City and seeing what all the fuss is about.
3. Seeing my family finally move back in to our renovated house.
2. Potlucks with my grad school classmates, and finding that I could fit into another community of 8 people.
1. Bringing my beau home to meet the family for Thanksgiving.

2009 brought me admission to grad school, a new apartment, a new state of residence, and many new people in my life. I'm excited to see what 2010 has in store!


  1. yay! so glad your family finally got to move back in!

  2. Love that me and Jenny Lewis made your top ten!! I miss the pants off ya, girl!!
