Friday, June 15, 2012

7 Quick Special Occasion Takes

It's been a crazy past two weeks for me, full of special occasions. Here's a quick recap. Thanks as always to Jen for hosting this link-up.

1. One of my dearest college friends just married a Civil War historian. (What can I say, history nerds are attractive!) They got married in a little white historic church that I'd heard about, but never visited. Fun fact: Clara Barton nursed Civil War soldiers there. 

2. At my friend's reception, all the tables were named for ships in Star Trek and Star Wars. The sweetheart table was the Millenium Falcon, natch. 
Listen your worship, I think this whole reception would look a lot better
if we coordinated the groomsmen's pocket squares
with the cocktail napkins, don't you?
3. Then Brother #2 graduated from high school. He even got an "Unsung Hero" award from the faculty for all his hard work keeping up with school despite two concussions. I was so touched that they honored him and two other seniors battling chronic health conditions. Partial invalids represent!

4. The priest who said the graduation Mass gave some of the best Catholic high school advice I've ever heard. He told these bright eyed, catechism-filled kids to go out and befriend their peers who *gasp* aren't Catholic! People who don't share your faith aren't evil, and often they are searching for God's love. 

5. Best lines of the homily, which are my new evangelization motto: 
"Don't be weird. Don't go up to people at parties and say 'Want to hear about Jesus?' That's weird, and they will run away from you. Don't walk around with a huge picture of Mary saying 'Here is Our Lady of Guadalupe. LOVE HER."

6. After that, Brother #1 got married! It's still a little hard to believe my little brother is now "an old married man," but I am so happy for him and my new sister-in-law. Also, I am proud to belong to an extended family that firmly believes a marriage is not valid until everyone has danced their faces off. 

7. Lastly, one year from today will be my own wedding! The Betrothed and I have started marriage prep meetings with our museum buff priest, and are actually making decisions about (eeek) spending money on this shindig. Please pray for me that I find a job soon and can start building a nest egg. 


  1. Yay for one year until your wedding! :)

    1. Aww, thanks! It feels more real now that it's not so long away.

  2. ! year? Are you going to hit Pinterest for all of your wedding plans?

    1. Ohhh yeah, I started pinning as soon as I got engaged! I've been saving flower ideas and every dress I've tried on so far.
