Monday, May 10, 2010

The Final Lap

This is it folks. My last week of class. By Friday I will be done with my first year of grad school! In the meantime I only have to live through the next four days. Here's what my hellish schedule looks like:
Tuesday morning: Turn in Metals project on wrought iron toasters
Tuesday night and Wednesday morning: work like crazy on two projects
Wednesday afternoon: thesis topic meeting and phone interview with a curator in Indianapolis
Wednesday evening: resume work like crazy
Thursday: Turn in paper on vestment fragments in our collection, attend guest lecture, work like crazy
Friday morning: Give presentation about and lead class in discussion of postmodern design
Friday afternoon/evening: Hightail it to Virginia for my brother's college graduation.

After Friday the craziness continues, but it's fun craziness. Oh well, for now I will take up my cross and pay my dues for the education I want. I'm having flashbacks to that last week of undergrad when I had 4 papers due in 8 days and saw the sun rise from my dorm lounge several times.

1 comment:

  1. Totally crazy!!! Don't forget to take pictures if only of your desk with the litter of studying.

