Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Urban Jungle

After my New York thesis trip, I felt like a total city person. Today's trip to Philadelphia was not so good. After dealing with endless stoplights on Broad Street, I drove in circles for literally half an hour trying to find an open parking space. In this half hour I was honked at once, twice pulled in to spaces only to realize they were restricted, and THEN had some jerkface steal a space from behind me while I was ineptly trying back up into it.

When I arrived thirty minutes late, I found Famous Vestment Designer smoking out front. Thank goodness he had something to do with his time. He had this semi-British accent that made everything I said sound stupid. For example,
"I'm so sorry I'm late, I should have planned this parking situation better."
"Well, one does need to plan these things." (Translation: You are an idiot.)
"I guess I'm so used to Wilmington where not much is going on."
"Yes, this is definitely more of a city. Wilmington is really more of village." (You are an idiot who lives in a podunk town. But he's right about the village thing.)

After that exchange things went better, and I found some fantastic stuff. Hearing about parish histories that actually mention vestments was music to my ears. And then I was helping Famous Vestment Maker close a sticky cabinet I accidentally slammed his fingertip in it. He kept a stiff upper lip - "These things happen" - but I felt like a jerk. A jerk who needs to read up on her embroidery terminology.

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