Friday, June 24, 2011

7 Quick Updates

It's been rather nice being on blog silence for a while, but I feel like I should at least check in here. I've still been keeping up with everyone else's posts, though. If you're looking for more fun stuff to read check out the other linkups to 7 Quick Takes Friday on Hallie Lord's fun blog.
  1. I'm back home in northern Virginia for reals this time! Tonight I switched my address on my car insurance so you know it's official. Added bonus: my rates are cheaper here. 
  2. "Living at home" (isn't that a weird redundant expression?) has never had a dull moment. Already I've been to a homeschool conference, made a sextuple batch of pasta salad for a graduation party,  watched baby birds learn to fly, and relearned the art of grocery shopping for a crowd. 
  3. Yesterday I had an impromptu interview for a  part-time babysitting job. Please pray that this works out! It would be so encouraging to be employed, even a little bit. 
  4. While it's frustrating not to have clear employment prospects, I'm grateful for this time to spend in my beloved DC area. Already I've gotten to reconnect with a lot of friends from high school and college.
  5. For instance, today my longtime friend S. and I went on a museum romp around the national mall. If you have never been to the Hirshorn Gallery, I highly recommend it. There is lots of interesting, quirky modern art but nothing too entirely bizarre.
  6. Meanwhile, the Beau has safely made it to London for several weeks of dissertation research. Figuring out Skype with a 5 hour time difference has been tricky, but I am so excited for him to have this opportunity. 
  7. Finally, I hate to end on a sad story, but I feel like I should spread the word about a teacher at a local Catholic high school who has gone missing. Please pray that Tom Duesterhaus comes home safely!

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