Thursday, July 19, 2012

Witnessing America

My life has changed dramatically in the past few weeks. I finally got my wish to be a Metro commuter and work in downtown D.C. The job offer came suspiciously close to the end of a 54 day rosary novena I was saying, so I'm sure the Blessed Mother had something to do with it. Now this night owl is getting up before 6 to take a bus and a train to work in visitor services at a national landmark. 

Not this landmark. But I like to consider the President a neighbor. 
On my first day I sat through a generic orientation with people from across the agency. I was sitting between an electrician and a plant geneticist. It was great to see all the types of people who make the nation's capital run. 

When you become a government employee they ask you all sorts of morbid questions, like who gets your last paycheck if you die. These beneficiary forms require two witnesses. So we passed our papers around the table, adding our own names and addresses to strangers' life stories. We briefly witnessed the most important people in their lives. 

So even though I spent over two hours on my commute today, I loved doing it. I loved crossing paths with so many different people, witnessing a sliver of the countless daily lives that fill Washington. All those people with briefcases, Kindles, badges, and families waiting at home are writing the story of America. 


  1. Congrats on the new job! How exciting. And, taking the metro gives you time to read and reflect -- win/win!

  2. Welcome!! I've been doing the commute from Manassas to DC for a while now, and buses are a lifesaver :).
