Friday, December 14, 2012

7 Quick Takes, Vol. 23

--- 1 ---
We're in another spurt of wedding planning right now. Our save the date cards came in, bridesmaid jewelry has been ordered, and now I'm dithering about invitation designs. History nerd that I am, I gravitate toward stuff that looks more vintage-y. But I don't want something that yells "I am a twee olde-timey hipster." This card from Vistaprint might work if you want to welcome your guests to a carnival/traveling medicine show with special prizes for target shooting. The Betrothed said one "Victorian Vintage" card looked like "The picture Jesse James was adjusting on the wall just before he got shot."

--- 2 ---
I've been our of work for a month and a half, but no unemployment benefits yet. Government paperwork, why you gotta be so hard?
--- 3 ---
On the positive side, I have another interview next week! I finally, finally have a better sense of trust that if it's the right one, God will still make it work out.
--- 4 ---
Once again, though, I have nothing to wear. I used my only suit that isn't huge on me for the last round. Once again, Divine Providence came through. I just found a great Banana Republic suit at Good will for $11. "Do not ask, what shall we eat, or what shall we wear...."
--- 5 ---
You may have seen this fascinating article in The Atlantic about the decline of Mary as a popular baby name. Does this mean that nobody looks to Jesus' mother as a role model or values virginity anymore, as some Catholic bloggers have suggested? Maybe a bit, but I think that's too easy of an answer. From what I've seen, the trend of picking original, unique baby names extends to devout Christians too. In my little Catholic bubble I've seen Maria, Regina, Mairi, Mary Elizabeth, Mary Catherine, and Mary Beth. I swear half the girls in my high school had the middle name Marie.
--- 6 ---
I got to catch up with some former classmates this week, which was fantastic. A true friend is someone who will not only not get mad when you are an hour late because of traffic, she will also have gluten-free brownies waiting for you.
--- 7 ---
God bless all those students suffering through finals! My three younger siblings are all juggling papers and presentations right now. I just got to give Brother #2 advice on a history paper over Skype. Sigh,  I could almost smell the library stacks. Pondering Leonardo da Vinci is way more fun when you aren't the one getting graded. :-)

Did you know Napoleon collected lots of Leonardo's work, including his notebooks? 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Good luck with your interview! I'll be praying for some good job news! And girll you're ahead of me.. still haven't worried about invitations. I'm just like "COME ON WEDDING BE HERE NOWWWW" instead of oh crap, actually gotta plan this thing!

    1. Thanks! I honestly feel the same way about wedding planning - can't we just be married already?! And hey, you just bought a house. That totally counts as wedding prep.

  2. Good luck with your interview Sarah!! :)

  3. I love that Save the Date design! has a really nice selection of vintage-y designs that are pretty affordable--you pay once to download a suite, and then print as many as you need. I'll say a prayer for your interview and job search!

    1. Thanks for the tip - affordability is definitely our top wedding priority.

  4. Choosing the invitations was probably one of the most stressful aspects of wedding planning for me. Despite the fact that we were supposed to send 400+ invitations out, my mom wanted to do them by hand. I am pretty sure I did a touchdown-style dance when we ended up going a different route. Good luck and enjoy! :)

    1. Yikes! I know that I am willing to pay whatever it takes to pre-print return addresses on envelopes.

  5. Good luck with the interview! I'll be sure to say a prayer for you. How wonderful that you found something to wear:)

    That is pretty interesting about the name Mary. I have never actually thought about it before, but I always liked Mary as a middle name.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for the prayers! I think it went pretty well.

  6. good luck with everything! When we had our baptism "class" at our parrish we had about 7 little girls going to be baptized and at least half of them had the middle name "Marie"! I've almost got my husband convinced that our first little girl (if and when we have one) will be Helen (or Helena) Mary - they're both family names, but we do get some Catholic points! =)

    1. Ooh that sounds pretty! Helen was always one of my favorite saints.
