Monday, December 17, 2012

What I Wore Sunday - Lessons and Carols

Sweater: Kohl's
Dress: H and M
Belt and boots: Target
Necklace: Mortar and pestle pendant, a gift from my internship at a colonial apothecary shop

I'm back in New Jersey again, this time for the annual Lessons and Carols concert at The Betrothed's parish. He sings bass in the choir, and I am always impressed by how great they sound. I was very proud listening to him intone the first notes of Alma Redemptoris Mater. While he was in rehearsal, I snapped this picture in the newly renovated Catholic Student Center next door, a former convent. My campus ministry center in undergrad was a basement room called "The Catacombs," so I hope these kids know realize how good they have it.

Lessons and Carols is a lovely Advent tradition that I only discovered in the past few years. It combines hymns with scripture readings (the lessons), focusing on prophetic readings about the Messiah. I love how it gives me time to reflect on how long-awaited Jesus' coming really was. 

I also appreciate that The Betrothed's choir director picks lots of great Advent hymns that pack some theological heft. Celebrating the Incarnation should not reduce Christians to Ricky Bobby, cooing over "sweet little 8 pound 5 ounce baby Jesus in your crib with your Baby Einstein videos" and his pretty mommy.  As our priests were so good at explaining yesterday, Christ's arrival for a suffering world means so much more than that. 


  1. Stop. I love how you layered that dress! And the boots are so cute.
    Lessons and Carols sounds perfect for keeping the focus on Advent. I'd love to find something like that around here!

  2. I really really like your dress. And the boots. And just everything about your outfit. Thanks for linking with us!

  3. What a great dress! You look so cute! :)

    Happy New Year!!!

    For Love of Cupcakes
