Sunday, April 20, 2014

What We Wore Easter Sunday

On me- dress and cardigan: Target; shoes: Nine West via Marshall's;
necklace: Etsy; husband: New Orleans via New Jersey
For more Easter outfits, visit Fine Linen and Purple!

Happy Easter! I don't know about you, but I am a happy Triduum/candy coma. It's been a long full weekend of beautiful liturgy and spending time with friends. Last night we were out until 2am attending the Easter Vigil Mass at the Southern Baron's old parish, and then going out to a diner for a milkshake-laden afterparty. This morning we groggily went for round two at our neighborhood parish, where I was a lector at the 11am Mass. Afterwards we went into the city for lunch and lots of Catholic nerd conversation at a friend's apartment.

Even though it's a little chilly here, it was so refreshing to break out the light spring clothes. It was also a fun reminder of our wedding, since my necklace and his jacket are both from that day. The blingy string of pearls is a little too fancy for most days, but I wore it on Christmas Eve too, so I might just bust it out for all future solemnities. The dress is also a relic of my wedding planning. Back then I went through a period of silly historian angst that I didn't pick a vintage-y romantic wedding dress, so I figured a sundress would get white lace out of my system. Since then it's been a great warm weather standby.

To close things out here's one of my favorites from last night's Vigil - an Easter hymn by a colonial American composer, be still my historian heart.


  1. I love that dress. I'm glad you had that historian angst because it is super cute and you look great! (Both of you!)

  2. You guys are brave to hit the vigil AND a morning mass when you were out that late! I totally don't have the energy for that sort of thing anymore :) Love that dress - lace is my favorite :)
