Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wait...there's Catholic Social Teaching?

Recently Glenn Beck told his radio listeners to "run away" from priests who preach social justice and to "ask your bishop if he's down with this whole social justice thing."

*Facepalm* Of course your bishop is "down with it." So was every Pope of the last century. Idiotic statements like this make me mad, and are why I don't readily "admit" I lean to the political right.

Thank goodness Stephen Colbert and a Jesuit priest can set the record straight. "Maybe Glenn could be the next Pope, since he's already comfortable with telling Catholics what to do."
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Glenn Beck Attacks Social Justice - James Martin
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorHealth Care Reform


  1. Glenn needs to do a little more research before he starts preaching that working for social equality is wrong. And Colbert's comment about the plus sign is down right hilarious!!

  2. Mr. Beck offers advice that could use a little more nuance. But before getting angry, look a little deeper when there is a media uproar about some thing a conservative commentator has said. Mr. Colbert and his show's chaplain decry Mr. Beck for being against "helping people". I think Beck's point was that under the guise of helping people and in the name of Social Justice, many whacked out policies are promoted by church folks. Do you remember "Liberation Theology" or are you too young?
    Anyway here is an interesting article by Michael Novak in "First Things" about the misuse and abuse of the term Social Justice:
    As for "working for social equality", if you mean agitating for government to use the power of the state to enforce equality of results (vs. equality of opportunity) for all, then yes, run from that.
    I like “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut -- A short story about a world where social equality has been achieved.
