Monday, April 5, 2010

Christ Our Light - Thanks be to God!

I just got back from a weekend trip home to Virginia, where I got to spend the Easter Triduum with my family for the first time in three years. We went to every church service possible, and the whole thing was a like a mini-retreat. The culmination was of course the Easter Vigil, aka the Catholic Super Bowl/the longest and coolest liturgy you will ever experience.

My favorite part is the beginning, at the blessing of the fire that will light the new paschal candle. While the pyrotechnics are going on, the entire church is dark. Then the priests and company process in with the candle, chanting "Christ Our Light". Clutching as yet unlit candles, we respond, "Thanks be to God!"

Then, the altar boys light their candles from the large one, and begin passing the flame along the pews. Slowly the light travels until the entire nave is filled with radiance. What I noticed this year was how my view of the congregation changed. In the darkness, the pews were full of just dark blobs. As the light spread, I could see people's faces.

I could see their faces. In the light of Christ, their personhood was revealed, each with value and individuality. Isn't that how charity is supposed to work? I think St. Vincent de Paul would agree.

1 comment:

  1. The whole experience of lighting tapers from the Pascal Candle is incredible. The way it passes from on person to the next -- individually -- is how Christ's love is spread. And together, the light is powerful enough to light up a Church -- or our world.
