So classy! |
I'm also smitten with fourteen year-old Hailee Steinfeld. She held her own opposite Jeff Bridges in True Grit, and by all accounts appears to be a mature, cheerful, grounded fourteen year old. Check out this slideshow of her red carpet looks - ahhhh she's so cute and smiley! Her sense of style makes her look young and fun, but not skanky - I would hold that up as a role model for a preteen sister/daughter if I had one.
I think what fascinates me with awards shows is the public suspense and joy of winning - like many Olympics medals ceremonies in quick succession. I love the looks of surprise and breathless glee on the winner's faces. It's fun to imagine what I would say in that situation.Would I be funny and memorable or just blurt out trite thanks to God and a list of producers? The closest I'll ever get is my big thesis presentation when I graduate in May. I'll be gleefully clutching an imaginary diploma while I rattle off how much the experience meant to me, and how much I owe to my classmates and teachers.
It is so fun to see people win - especially people who haven't before. And even if they are rich and famous, its funny how much recognition still means to them.