Friday, April 8, 2011

Seven reasons to be happy this weekend

I hope you have a happy weekend too! Check out Conversion Diary for more Friday 7 Quick Takes. 
  1.  I survived turning in a thesis draft and a paper this week, with only one all night delirious writing binge.
  2. Yesterday afternoon was spent sitting in a classroom four latptops across with girls from my class, having a resume and thesis formatting bonanza. Things like that are much more fun with friends. 
  3. I never visit Philly as much as I should, but at least I'll be there tomorrow to check out what's on display at the Philadelphia Antiques Show. Hooray for spontaneous field trips!
  4. This week I got my first paycheck as a professional historian. It was just a one-time gig of some free-lance research for an exhibit, but it feels so good. Now I can be a real professional and pay my income taxes. 
  5. It's springtime, and the museum gardens are waking up. I love seeing all the squirrels running around among whatever new flowers are blooming this week. It's almost time for goslings and star magnolias!
  6. Unlike last weekend, I will be spending my evenings out with friends and NOT holed up with books.
  7.  Tomorrow one of my professors is taking us all out to a play. The Beau is coming for the occasion, and there will be gluten-free baked good involved.
It's almost time to roll away the stone for Easter...


  1. I will be spending the whole weekend with friends too! Isn't it wonderful?

    And yay income taxes! (and the refund that I got, phew)

  2. Boo I owed from my taxes. No refund for me. I'm glad you will have a good weekend with friends! I also like how Kendra posts right before me on like everyones haha. Love her :D I also love spring :D

  3. You're a professional historian! Coolest thing I've learned all week :)

  4. Yay all-night writing binges!! :D Glad it went well!
