Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Consider the lilies...at Target

It's been a rough week here in thesis-land, especially when I got rejected for a paid summer internship that seemed like the perfect deal. I could have increased skills I already have, I could have worked in DC, I could have lived with my parents and saved buckets of money. But now I won't, and I'm back in the pit of mystery that is the job market.

There are some Bible verses very appropriate for this stage of grad student life
"Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? So do not worry and say, 'What are we to eat?' or 'What are we to drink?' or 'What are we to wear?
(Matthew 6: 25, 31)

If God can look after the birds in the sky and clothe the lilies (and spring crocuses) of the field, then surely he will look after those of us foolish enough get advanced degrees in the liberal arts. I'm grateful for the small mercies that have come my way this week, like how I made an appointment today on time despite having to put air in my tires first. Or how when I went to exchange a needed pair of shoes at Target for a smaller size they had been marked down $6. It was like a little pat on the back from God, saying that things are going to be ok.

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