Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thesis survival soundtrack

I've always relied on music to get me through major school projects. Of course, like my brain, my playlists are full of eclectic randomness. When my Dad and I  were filling out my college applications, we listened to a lot of Avril Lavigne and B. B. King. In undergrad, there was a lot of old-school U-2, Ace of Base, and The Clash. At my job in St. Louis, I relied on Queen's "Under Pressure" , Ingrid Michaelson, and Coldplay's Viva La Vida album.

Maybe I'm getting older and more mellow, but female vocalists have been the staple of grad school. Regina Spektor is a major current favorites. I love her unusual voice, and how she rocks her curly hair in different cute styles. Her retelling of the Samson story seems to fit my obscure religious history research.

"And the history books forgot about us
And the Bible didn't mention us
And the Bible didn't mention us
Not even once."


  1. Love Regina Spektor!! You might also enjoy Elizabeth and the Catapult. :-)

  2. I give senior class song:

    and one of my favorite videos by one of my favorite artists

  3. Regina is soooo good at any period of life.
