Thursday, September 30, 2010

Art and womanhood

You can call me a feminist. Granted, I am not the bra-burning kind, or the abortion rights kind, but I'm a feminist. I believe that women are just as valuable to society as men, and that we have the same rights as human beings. We deserve the same opportunities to use the gifts and talents God gave us.

Today some of the first years in my program told me about the Guerilla Girls, who are feminist artists and activists. Apparently they protest in front of The Metropolitan Museum of Art wearing gorilla masks. (Get it?) It's a little ridiculous, but I love the sentiment of this ad they created.

Women are not objects to admire or ogle. They are people with ideas, creativity, contributions to make.


  1. To play devil's advocate: I have heard that there is more nude art of women than of men because of the inherent beauty of the female body as the pinnacle of creation. What do you think?

  2. Ooooh good point. I would agree that the female form is more visually arresting and alluring. We also get the added bonus of helping God create a new human inside our own bodies. God created us last, does that mean we are the best? BUT, are those always the thoughts of male artists when they depict women?

  3. I'm not sure if they are. However, I have never asked an artist if he (or she) sees subjects as persons, whether they are clothed or nude.
